Her Fiancé’s Dad Stole Close To $100,000 From Him In Order To Make Sure They Wouldn’t Be Able To Afford To Buy A Home Together

halayalex - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
halayalex - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman has a fiancé the same age as her, and they just put an offer down on a house and had all the details ironed out.

She has almost perfect credit, along with her fiancé. They also both have money saved away, and her fiancé has about $65,000 in a managed brokerage account, along with $30,000 put in a trust.

They were going to use her fiancé’s money to afford the down payment on the home they want.

Now, she does make more money than her fiancé does, so she agreed to pay more of their mortgage while he handled the down payment.

Several months back, her fiancé let his dad know that he was going to use the money in his trust and in his brokerage account to afford the down payment on the house.

Her fiancé mentioned this to his dad because he was concerned his dad was going to try to prevent him from using the money towards a house, but his dad swore he wouldn’t do anything like that.

Her fiancé texted back and forth with his dad multiple times about the money, and his dad said in writing the money was all her fiancé’s, so of course, her fiancé could apply the money towards a down payment.

“Flash forward to today; we put an offer in yesterday, given we already did the whole proof of funds with our mortgage broker,” she explained.

“Then his father drained all the money in both of his accounts yesterday. My fiancé has demanded his father put the money back, but he refuses unless we do a prenup. Agreed. Then a lien. Agreed.”

halayalex – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Then he goes MIA. Then it’s always something else. Then it wasn’t that he drained it; it was a “coincidence.” Just a bunch of games to block our purchase. There will always be another hoop.”

“His father was on his accounts because of the way my fiancé received a portion of the money in his managed brokerage. A portion of the funds, and the start of the account, was an inheritance from his grandfather. His father was on the account because before the grandfather passed, he lost his sight and needed help with finances. Father was never removed.”

Unfortunately, since the money got taken out of her fiancé’s accounts, this means they have to rescind the offer they put down on their dream home, even though the buyers were in the middle of accepting the offer that they made.

She can’t really say that she’s surprised her fiancé’s dad messed this up for them, as her fiancé’s parents have been a problem for some time…but now this has escalated beyond what they have ever done before. She and her fiancé do attend counseling together as a couple, and that does a good job of helping them work through things, but this is too much; his dad went too far.

Her fiancé is so beyond upset, and quite honestly, she is too. She’s not sure how to be there for her fiancé while dealing with her own emotions.

“I’m seeing red and want the cops called and the father charged with a felony for theft and extortion,” she said. “We’re still going to not get the house, but enough is enough. I want to support him and will. Advice on how to support him and also what we can do to remedy.”

How do you think she can make this situation better, or is it a lost cause?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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