Her Mom Has Always Treated Her Brother Better Than Her, So Now That Her Mom Is About To Lose Her Home, She Doesn’t Want To Give Her Money

halayalex - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
halayalex - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old girl has a brother who is 4 years younger than she is, and for her entire life, her mom has always treated her brother better than her.

Her mom coddled her brother but never did the same for her. Her mom would clean and cook for her brother and get him anything his heart desired.

Any time that she and her brother wound up in a disagreement, her mom automatically sided with her brother.

Whenever her brother did mess up, she would also get punished. If her brother wanted her to do something for him and she refused, that would anger her mom. I think you get the picture; it definitely wasn’t fair or equal between them.

And as soon as she turned 18, her mom began charging her rent, yet her brother is currently living with her mom without paying a dime.

She then began working for her dad’s company, which made her mom treat her even worse, as her mom and dad are divorced.

“She was always short with me, made passive-aggressive comments all the time to me, and just clearly didn’t want to see me succeed,” she explained.

“When I was 20, I moved out of my mom’s and went to stay with my dad, which extremely offended her and the relationship was never the same. We had very low contact.”

“Fast forward to today; I pretty much run my dad’s business. Dad is semi-retired and travels between my country and his home country every month. I make good money here at the business, own my own condo, have a new car I paid for myself, and am just overall doing good.”

halayalex – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Her entire life, she’s known that her mom has had problems with money, and she was always living paycheck to paycheck.

Her mom has no money saved, and surprisingly, over the last couple of months, her mom has been increasingly reaching out to her, wanting money.

Her mom stated that she knows that she’s well-off before mentioning that she really does need financial help.

“She’s in a lot of debt and possibly could lose her house,” she said. “She said she asked my dad for money, and he refused.”

“I asked her why she doesn’t ask her husband (she’s remarried, but they don’t live together because she refuses to let him move in; whole other story). She started going off on me, saying that’s her business and she’s asking me, not him.”

She then reminded her mom that she didn’t treat her nicely at all when she was younger and that they really don’t have a relationship, so she can’t understand why her mom wants money from her.

Her mom tried to say she’s done a lot for her when she was a kid, so she kind of owes her now.

Since that conversation, her mom has told more members of their family about how she won’t give her any money.

These family members are hounding her to give her mom money because they believe it’s a good thing for her to do.

“Even my brother has been telling me how that’s so cold that I refuse to help her because, financially, I’m in a good place,” she continued.

“…My mom could possibly lose her house, but I feel like that’s not my responsibility, and I’m being taken advantage of if I say yes.”

She’s left wondering if she really should say yes to giving her mom money. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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