His Friend Gave Him Her German Shepherd Because She Couldn’t Train The Dog, But Now That He Has Done What His Friend Couldn’t, His Friend Wants The Dog Back

This 23-year-old man has a 21-year-old friend who rescued a German Sheperd, but then his friend really struggled to train the dog.
On top of that, his friend’s dog was having a tough time adjusting to the house she was living in, the dogs she was living with, and his friend just being her owner.
So, a year and a half ago, his friend gave him this dog, who is now 4 and named Mari. He has worked hard to do what his friend couldn’t, and he trained Mari all by himself.
“She’s house-trained, listens to commands, is great with kids and strangers, and can be walked without a leash (I still use one, of course),” he explained.
“All things I could not have said about her months ago. I had a few friends over today, and the former owner was one of them. After seeing how well-trained she was, she told me she was going to take Mari home next week.”
“Now, I never bought Mari. But I took her in under the assumption she was my dog. After all, I was told she was my dog. That my friend didn’t want her. To suddenly change your mind after I’ve spent all this time training her, treating her like family, buying her toys, and such, genuinely hurt me.”
He informed his friend that he would not be giving Mari back to her just because she asked, and he then reminded his friend that if she had wanted a dog as well-behaved as Mari, she should have made the effort because that doesn’t just happen overnight.
All of his friend do not agree with him, though. They all believe that because this one particular friend of his is the “original owner” of Mari, he should give Mari back to her.
A few of his friends then mentioned that they heard this friend said she would give him $200 to get Mari back, but this friend had never said that to him.

Evelina – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog
“I love this dog,” he said. “And considering I’m recently out of a relationship, I’d really rather not lose the closest thing I have to an emotional support animal.”
“She’s there when I get home from work; she sleeps at the foot of my bed; she’s my best friend. And I refuse to part with her.”
He’s left wondering if it’s wrong of him not to want to give Mari back. What do you think?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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