
His Mom Called His Fiancée Out For Acting Like A Bridezilla, So Now His Fiancée Wants Him To Uninvite His Parents And Brother From The Wedding

So, after he told Lily that his brother was a groomsman, she actually freaked out on him. Lily claimed that he needed to just make his brother a normal guest because she would not be comfortable with him there.

His fiancée also told him that he needed to pick a different person to take his brother’s place and claimed that she also deserved to be happy on their wedding day. And if you could not have guessed, this wound up causing a massive fight between them. In the end, he also decided to vent to his parents about all of his wedding planning frustrations since Lily really does not listen to him.

Then, just a few days ago, the entire situation came to a head after he and his fiancée went to dinner with his parents.

While they were eating, the topic of the wedding obviously came up. And he claimed that before long, his parents and Lily ended up screaming at each other about everything that had happened during the planning. Plus, his mom even called Lily a controlling jerk. Yikes!

So, in the wake of that argument, his fiancée is now demanding that he actually uninvite his parents in addition to uninviting his brother. Quite frankly, though, he just does not want to. This has pushed Lily to be furious with him, and his parents are urging him to reconsider his relationship altogether.

“And my brother thinks that Lily has lost her marbles,” he added.

So, he has been left wondering whether refusing to uninvite his parents and brother from his wedding is reasonable or if it actually makes him a jerk.

Is his mom right about Lily being a controlling jerk? Why do you think she refuses to let him have any say in their wedding? Do you think he needs to reevaluate his relationship before tying the knot with Lily? If you were in his shoes, how would you handle this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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