His Sister-In-Law Started Commenting On His Wife’s Eating Habits, So He Stepped In And Told His Sister-In-Law To Focus On Her Own Obese Kid

nemanjanovakovic - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
nemanjanovakovic - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 28-year-old man’s wife, who is 23, is battling an eating disorder. She is currently underweight and receiving treatment that both his family and his in-laws are aware of.

Aside from her diagnosis, though, his wife is also a very picky eater. So, she primarily eats home-cooked food– which makes it difficult to decide what meals to order whenever they go out to restaurants.

“Which we rarely do,” he said.

Regardless, his wife’s doctors have advised her to eat anything that she likes. The most difficult part, however, is making sure that she eats enough.

This means that whenever they go out, the couple opts to order a number of different dishes for his wife to try. Then, she can comfortably decide what she wants to eat– since her food preferences change very quickly.

This past Saturday night, though, they were invited out to dinner with both of their families.

“They are also family friends for a long time and often hang out– especially my sister-in-law and my wife’s older sister,” he explained.

However, he claims that his sister-in-law never really gets along with his wife and instead just always tries to criticize her.

So, starting from the moment they walked into the restaurant, he noticed that his sister-in-law kept throwing subtle mean comments toward his wife.

nemanjanovakovic – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Afterward, his sister-in-law also began to comment on his wife’s body and attempted to give her tips on how to gain weight faster.

He stepped in, though, and told his sister-in-law that their doctor would take care of it and that she did not need to bother.

He hoped that would be enough to get her to stop since, after all, his wife was already sensitive about the topic. So, she does not like when other people talk about it.

Plus, in an effort to make sure their family had no other reasons to criticize his wife, he decided to order a bunch of different dishes for himself that he knew his wife liked to eat. That way, she would have more options without having all of the attention placed on her.

According to him, though, his sister-in-law picked up on what was going on. Then, she started making comments about how he and his wife constantly “waste so much food” just so his wife could eat a small portion.

The final straw, though, was when his sister-in-law claimed that he always babysat his wife and tried to say that his wife did not have an eating disorder at all. Instead, his sister-in-law claimed his wife was “just too picky.”

And by point, he had heard more than enough and decided to clap back at his sister-in-law. More specifically, he told her that she should focus more on her obese child and his diet before the kid is confronted with some serious health issues.

Just to clarify, the child also was not present at the dinner.

Then, he turned his attention to the rest of the family– telling them that the next time they wanted to see him and his wife, they should not invite “that woman.”

“I also told my brother that his wife is not allowed in our house anymore,” he recalled.

Afterward, he and his wife paid for what he ordered before immediately leaving the restaurant.

Following that whole ordeal, his mom did call to apologize. But his brother is now seriously upset with him.

Apparently, his brother believes his remarks about his nephew were totally out of line. His brother also accused him of disrespecting his sister-in-law and agreed that he does treat his wife like a child.

In fact, his brother claimed that his wife was an adult who could take care of what she ate.

So, he has felt pretty conflicted about the whole situation ever since. On the one hand, he knows that he did what he was supposed to do by sticking up for his wife.

But, he has still been left wondering whether dragging his nephew into it and telling his sister-in-law to “focus on her obese kid” took it way too far.

Why do you think his sister-in-law was so cruel? Can you imagine how his wife felt in that situation? Did he have a right to stand up for her? Do you think making comments about his nephew’s weight was over the line, or did his sister-in-law deserve it?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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