She Has No Interest In Living With Her Boyfriend Unless They’re About To Get Married, But He Thinks They Need To Try Living Together Before He Decides To Marry Her

halayalex - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
halayalex - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old girl has been dating her 23-year-old boyfriend for a bit under 2 years so far. She really wants to get married to him, and he really wants to get married to her, but she admits she is more interested in quickly moving that along than he is.

And, speaking of marriage, she has no interest in living with her boyfriend unless they’re about to get married, but he doesn’t agree with that at all.

Her boyfriend has always believed it’s much better to live with someone before even considering marriage.

“We’ve met each other halfway, and I’ve agreed to live together with him once we get engaged,” she explained.

“However, he feels that we can only get married once he feels comfortable that we can live together well. I thought I was OK with that, but I realized I don’t want to get engaged if my partner still needs to live together with me as another test before getting married.”

“I’d still like to live together while being engaged since I love spending time with my boyfriend, but I don’t want to go into engagement with my boyfriend still feeling unsure about getting married to me.”

Another major concern that she has is if she does move in with her boyfriend, that will put her about 2 hours away from her loved ones, her friends, and everything she likes to do in her free time.

Where she currently lives is in suburbia, and her boyfriend lives in a much more desolate area that isn’t as busy.

She isn’t sure she wants to sign up for that kind of lifestyle change either. She has been open about all of this, and her boyfriend mentioned he could move closer to where she likes living if she does try where he lives first and hates it.

halayalex – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“…It’s a big move to make especially if he ends up breaking up with me when we are engaged because he decided that the way I stack plates is too annoying or whatever,” she said.

“Im not sure what to do because I respect his need to live together before marriage, but it’s something I don’t feel comfortable doing.”

Do you think there’s a way for them to compromise here and both be happy?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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