
She Told Her Fiancé That She Needed To Take A Break Because She Doesn’t Think She’s Over Her Ex-Boyfriend

Alinnan - - illustrative purposes only

This 25-year-old woman is engaged to her 26-year-old fiancé and has been with him for a little under 2 years.

Her fiancé is sweet and wonderful. He always thinks of buying flowers for her, and he puts a lot of effort into creating dates for them to go on.

She has to admit that he’s the most incredible man, but for some reason, she never dreams about him.

Instead, when she falls asleep at night, it’s her ex-boyfriend that runs through her dreams and not the man of her dreams.

Now, she and her ex broke up more than 2 and a half years ago. Her ex was struggling with depression back then, and although she did her best to support him and his journey to getting better, it didn’t help him.

Instead, her mission to help her ex kind of backfired on her. She still doesn’t know if she was too overbearing or if he met another woman at work, but she’s guessing he did find another woman.

She does recall that before her ex dumped her, he was being really “sneaky” about certain phone calls.

“One day, he said he saw a future with me and wanted to marry me and have kids together someday, and a week later, he suddenly canceled plans and said he didn’t like me anymore and wanted to end it,” she explained.

“A friend told me not to leave his side since my friend had wished his GF didn’t leave him when depression was making him push her away. So I tried to help and offer support, but that obviously was a (bad) idea. It only sealed the deal in steel.”

Alinnan – – illustrative purposes only

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