
She Told Her Sister, Who Has A Developmental Disability, That Having A Baby Was Not A Good Idea, And Now Her Mother Is Very Annoyed With Her

Studio Romantic - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman has an older sister, who is 32-years-old and has a developmental disability.

Just last summer, though, her sister celebrated a massive milestone. Apparently, her sister tied the knot with a nice man who has a similar disability.

But, more recently, her sister and brother-in-law have been discussing a big next step in their marriage– having children.

While the rest of her family is reportedly on board with the idea, though, she was open about her concerns.

First of all, she noted how her sister and brother-in-law work part-time jobs and both live in their own home.

“But I know it has taken my sister a long time to get to this point,” she said.

So, even though her sister is significantly more independent now than in the past, she and her mother still provide her sister with support.

For instance, she apparently picks her sister up from work every day and takes her sister grocery shopping each week.

Her mom also frequents her sister’s house on most days to check in and help with little things.

Studio Romantic – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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