
Her Little Sister Called Her Boyfriend A Loser, And It Made Her Feel Terrible, But She’s Convinced He’s The One For Her Anyway

innarevyako - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman has a 32-year-old boyfriend whom she has been seeing for about a year. Now, she never envisioned herself being in a relationship ever again, as she has 2 children from 2 different men, and she thought she was done with romance.

Her boyfriend recently moved into the house that she owns, and that’s a pretty big step to take. She also is aware that her boyfriend wants to propose to her sometime soon.

She is convinced that her boyfriend is the one for her, and if she marries him, her life will be easier, but her sister just said her boyfriend is really a loser.

Her sister has accused her of only being with her boyfriend because he’s convenient, but she does not agree.

Yes, her boyfriend helps her with chores around the house, pays bills, cooks meals, and helps care for her children as if he is their dad, which is wonderful, but she is in love with him for who he is and not what he does for her.

She thinks her sister has an issue with her boyfriend because he doesn’t exactly have a fancy job, a 401k, life insurance, or even health insurance, whereas her sister works as a nurse and makes very good money.

During the summers, her boyfriend has two jobs that he works at, and during the winters, he works just one.

He’s not rich by any means, but he owns his own car and is happy to help her pay her bills without any complaints.

So, her 24-year-old sister calling her boyfriend a loser did make her feel awful, and it did give her pause.

innarevyako – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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