
Her Stepson Doesn’t Want To Move In With His Mother’s New Boyfriend Because He Is “Awful,” But She Won’t Let Her Stepson Live With Her And Her Husband Either

After she revealed these concerns to her husband, he was not happy with her and did try to get her to change her mind. In the end, though, her husband did tell her stepson that moving in just was not possible right now.

“And if there weren’t other options for him, my answer would be different,” she reasoned.

For instance, she claimed that her stepson’s grandfather has an extra bedroom and already offered for her stepson to stay there for as long as he wants. In the meantime, she also said that she and her husband are beginning to look into other rental home options with four bedrooms. That way, in the future, her stepson could potentially move in with them.

After she and her husband explained all of this to her stepson over dinner a few nights ago, he seemed to understand, too. They told her stepson that he was welcome over whenever he wanted, and he reportedly did not seem upset and said he was comfortable at his grandfather’s house.

The real pushback, though, came from her stepson’s older brother– who is currently serving in the military in another state. Once he found out about the entire situation, he apparently called her husband, accused him of being a total jerk, and blamed the whole arrangement on her.

“Is it not better for my stepson to be in a home where he has his own space and is still close to both parents?” she vented.

In spite of having that personal belief, though, she has still been left wondering whether not wanting her stepson to move into her home makes her a real jerk or not.

Do you think her concerns are valid or not? Regardless, is it fair for her 15-year-old stepson to feel displaced and forced to live at his grandfather’s home? If you were in her shoes, how would you handle this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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