
She Doesn’t Want Her Aunt At Her Wedding And Insisted Her Aunt Would Be Escorted Out Of The Event If She Showed Up, But Her Dad Thinks She Needs To “Take The Higher Ground”

Plus, her uncle, who has the restraining order, will be at the wedding with his kids. So, technically, her aunt cannot legally attend the wedding, either.

Despite all of these valid points, though, her dad still said that she should “take the higher ground.”

“It will ruin your day if you let her get to you. Just let her do her thing. You should ignore her and enjoy your day,” her dad told her.

Quite frankly, though, she believes that having an unwanted guest at her wedding will ruin her day. And she told her dad that, too.

Still, her dad just kept going– claiming that not inviting her aunt would be in bad taste and saying that her aunt is family. Anyway, she and her dad wound up going back and forth about her aunt for about 15 minutes. Then, by the time her dad left, they were still disagreeing.

Her dad believes that by not taking the high ground and letting her aunt stay at the wedding, she would be a jerk. And now, his perspective has made her seriously start questioning her boundaries.

So, she has been left wondering whether refusing to invite her aunt to her wedding is actually the wrong thing to do or not.

Can you believe anyone in her family is still speaking to her aunt after everything her aunt has done? Does she have a right not to want her aunt at her wedding? If you were in her shoes, would you listen to your dad or go with your gut?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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