
She’s Refusing To Make Her Miracle Baby Niece The Flower Girl At Her Wedding Because She Already Promised The Role To Her Future Stepdaughter, And Her Brother And Sister-In-Law Are Furious

nazariykarkhut - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman’s brother and sister-in-law– who are both in their mid-thirties– spent years trying to conceive a child. Her sister-in-law was even told that, due to a medical condition, they would never be able to have kids.

But, about a year and a half ago, her brother and sister-in-law welcomed their first baby girl into the world. And obviously, everyone was ecstatic for the couple.

Ever since her niece was born, though, the baby has apparently been the center of attention at every single family event– from birthdays and weddings to simple family get-togethers.

So, while she absolutely loves her niece, she believes that her sister-in-law can be a bit “much”– going on and on about the conceiving process, pregnancy complications, past miscarriages, and more.

“Like a little too much information,” she said.

“And many family members have commented on how it’s a little bit excessive, but no one has said anything because they don’t want to sound like a jerk.”

Since she and her fiancé, who is 35, will be getting married in the spring, her brother and sister-in-law also approached her last week regarding her wedding. More specifically, they wanted to know if her niece could be the flower girl during the ceremony.

But, her fiancé already has two children– a 10-year-old son and a 6-year-old daughter– from his previous marriage. So, his son will be one of the groomsmen; meanwhile, his daughter already asked to be the flower girl about a year ago.

And, of course, she and her fiancé said yes at the time. After all, her future stepdaughter was beyond excited about the role and was the first to ask.

nazariykarkhut – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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