
She Left Her Own Baby Shower Her Boyfriend’s Mom Made A Cruel Joke About Her With The Gift She Bought

Then, her boyfriend’s mom said, “Oh, well, I just assumed that since you’re so young, you probably don’t know the (gender) of your own baby.”

That was the breaking point for her, and she told her guests that she was leaving the baby shower because she felt unwelcome. Her boyfriend tried to convince her to stay, but she had to get out of there.

Now, her boyfriend’s family is saying she was rude for leaving the baby shower. 

“I feel like they were the ones being disrespectful to me,” she explained. “I’m especially hurt that my boyfriend’s family thinks I can’t even care for my own child.”

Did she do the right thing by walking out of the baby shower?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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