
She Only Found Out Her Husband Went Out For Coffee With An Ex-Coworker He Used To Like Via Rumors He Was Cheating, And After She Confronted Him, He Rated His Ex-Coworker A 10

Second, her husband never told her about the coffee date. Instead, she only found out about what happened after she started hearing rumors about her husband– more specifically, how he was cheating on her.

So, she was forced to bring up the rumors in order to hear what her husband had to say about the coffee trip.

And during that conversation, he claimed there were only rumors going around because the girl was a 10 out of 10.

Obviously, though, this only upset her more– especially because her husband had rated her in the past and claimed she was a 7 out of 10!

Still, her husband’s reasoning was that since his ex-coworker was a “10 out of 10,” it made sense why there were rumors.

“He said it was nothing but a coffee, and if he had sat with a girl who was a 2 out of 10, no one would’ve started rumors or even noticed,” she explained.

On top of that, her husband was adamant that people were just mean and had picked up on the wrong vibe.

So, she did admit to believing him. But she is still having second thoughts because of her husband’s past with the woman.

“My gut says he is attracted to her, and I am not okay with him having coffee with a girl who he was in a gray zone with,” she vented.

“He admitted to having a crush on her before, and he has complimented her to me.”

Every time she tries to talk to her husband about the situation, though, he just gets very upset and accuses her of being obsessive and controlling.

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