
He Wanted A Weekend Apart From His Long-Distance Girlfriend To Get Some Alone Time, But His Request Made Her Extremely Upset

“Because I wanted to recharge and be alone,” he explained.

His girlfriend just didn’t understand his request, though, and apparently became extremely emotional. Then, his girlfriend accused him of just not wanting to see her for a whole two weeks.

Now, while that was actually true, he didn’t mean it like that. He just wanted some space to relax by himself. Regardless, his girlfriend wound up storming off in tears after that conversation. And he was quite shocked.

“Honestly, I think this reaction is pretty ridiculous,” he revealed.

And he was so taken aback by his girlfriend’s response that he is actually considering ending their relationship now. But, before he takes that major step, he’s been left wondering whether ending things would be justified or if that would just make him a major jerk.

Is it understandable that he wanted some alone time over his weekend? At the same time, does it make sense for him to end his relationship after one argument? Does it sound like there are underlying reasons pushing him to consider breaking up with his girlfriend? How do you suggest he handles this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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