
He Went On A Date With A Girl Who Stole His Wallet And Then Tried To Pretend She Found It On The Floor

NDABCREATIVITY - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Some pretty horrific bad date stories have been shared on apps like TikTok, but this is the first one I’ve heard that involves theft!

Liam Alnizzo (@liam_alnizzo) is a single dad from Wisconsin who went viral on TikTok after making two videos detailing a very bad date he went on, which had viewers shocked.

Liam had been in touch with a woman for a few weeks that he was interested in dating. She took a long drive to finally go on an in-person dinner date with him last year, and things didn’t quite go as planned.

For starters, she arrived in his town early and asked if she could go over to his house before their date. He didn’t see any major red flags from her when they first started talking, so he gave her his address, which he now regrets.

When she got to his house, they chatted for a while before heading out to dinner.

“Within the first five minutes, she drops two dealbreakers in a row,” Liam recalled. “She has Borderline Personality Disorder and used to be a [dancer].”

Liam had his personal reasons for being disenchanted by those two pieces of information but decided to still take his date to dinner to see what happened.

They went to a local supper club together in his car and found a table. While waiting for their food, he got up to go to the bathroom but didn’t realize he had left his wallet on the table before leaving.

Once he returned to the table, he noticed his wallet was gone, and his stomach sank.

NDABCREATIVITY – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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