
Her Best Friend Just Broke Up With The Guy She Was With For 4 Years, And She Wants To Make Her A Breakup Kit To Help Her Feel Better

Viacheslav Yakobchuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 38-year-old woman has a best friend who is a year older than she is, and over the weekend, her best friend sadly broke up with the guy she was with for 4 years.

Although her best friend never lived with her boyfriend over the 4 years they spent together, her best friend was helping to raise her boyfriend’s kids for all of those years so that definitely makes it all a lot harder.

Her best friend is just trying to “survive” the breakup while also still showing up for work this week, and she’s understandably a complete and utter mess.

It’s tough to watch her best friend go through such a sad time in her life, and she wants to do something to let her friend know she is thinking of her: make her a breakup kit.

She is aware that making a breakup kit for her best friend won’t magically fix her heartbreak, but it’s something she really wants to do for her.

She admits breakups are tough, and nothing does help it at all except time.

As they say, time is supposed to heal all wounds, but she thinks the breakup kit is a great idea, though, so her best friend knows she is here for her.

“I was thinking of a few trash magazines, a book (open to suggestions here, especially looking for some fun fiction), sweets like gummy bears, etc., and some home spa stuff– bath bombs, face masks, press ons, etc.,” she explained.

This is certainly a kind and thoughtful gesture, and even if it doesn’t help her friend feel less devastated about the end of her relationship, and least it will show her best friend that she really does care about her.

Viacheslav Yakobchuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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