
She Kicked A Floater Teacher Out Of Her Classroom After This Woman Refused To Keep Her Voice Down And Kept Waking Up The Kids During Naptime

Oksana Kuzmina - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman is currently the lead teacher at a daycare and specifically works in the early toddler room.

And since teachers have to step away from their classrooms from time to time– whether to use the bathroom or take a break– there are some teachers known as “floaters” who take over in these instances.

While most of the floaters are reportedly wonderful, however, there is one woman in her early fifties named Anne, who she claimed is always inconsiderate during naptime.

Apparently, whenever Anne is called in to cover a break or take over when she has to go to the bathroom, the woman will just talk really loudly and tends to wake up some of the children.

So, she has tried talking to Anne about the issue in the past. But the floater always just denied being loud whatsoever.

“I also spoke to the directors, and they brought it up in a staff meeting because it was a common complaint for not just Anne but another floater,” she added.

While the other floater’s behavior improved, however, Anne’s did not. And just a few days ago, after Anne entered her room and disturbed her kids again, she finally snapped.

It all began after Anne was called in to cover for a bathroom break. Then, even after the floater’s help was no longer needed, Anne still decided to linger in her room.

Apparently, Anne is friends with her assistant named May. And since Anne had nowhere else to be, the pair of women started chatting it up.

Oksana Kuzmina – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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