
He Left His Friend’s Dinner Party To Get His Son Fast Food Because His Son Didn’t Like What Was Being Served

Eastlyn Bright - - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever been to a dinner party where you couldn’t stand the food? Although that happens sometimes, we usually try to grin and bear it so we don’t upset our host. 

However, one man recently caused some drama after he left a dinner party his friend was hosting to get his son McDonald’s because he wouldn’t eat the food.

He’s 26-years-old and has a five-year-old son with his 29-year-old wife. They were recently invited to have dinner at his wife’s friend’s house. Her friend is a 30-year-old man who’s also married and has a five-year-old daughter. 

“As long as we’ve known him, this friend has kept to a very strict diet, which has almost always led to us eating over at his place, but he is an excellent cook, so I’ve never minded,” he explained.

“We have not, however, seen him since both of our children were infants.”

Their friend served them a nice dinner with salmon, quinoa, and arugula. Although his son is usually mild-tempered, he does tend to get hangry.

So when he saw his son not eating the food their friend had prepared, he started to get nervous, thinking his son would be a moody mess for the rest of the night if he didn’t eat anything. 

He asked his son if he was happy with the meal, and he said no.

He laughed off his son’s response and asked their friends if they had anything more kid-friendly for him to eat in the house.

Eastlyn Bright – – illustrative purposes only

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