
Her Boyfriend Admitted That He Misses Being Single Sometimes, So Now She Isn’t Sure If She Should Break Up With Him

That’s why she never had a problem with her boyfriend’s doubts when it came to other parts of his life. After all, she realizes that they can just deal with those problems when they arise and go with the flow for now– as long as her boyfriend is sure about their actual relationship.

Well, during their latest relationship check-in, she realized that might not be the case.

Apparently, when she asked her boyfriend to elaborate on what he had been overthinking, he claimed to sometimes miss “the freedom of being single.”

It is important to note that her boyfriend said he didn’t feel the need to be physical with another person.

Instead, he claimed to miss being single in a “broader sense” and longed for “the thrill of not knowing what will be of your life and whom you’d share it with.”

Her boyfriend recognized that there were obviously perks of being in a relationship, too. So, he claimed that, right now, he is sure that is what he wants.

Nonetheless, he still pointed out that being single also came with a different set of perks that he used to enjoy.

Anyway, she knows that she should not take her boyfriend’s statements personally. And she also does not want to hold any of these comments against him since they were shared with her in a safe place.

Still, ever since hearing her boyfriend say those things, some of her doubts about them being compatible were just reinforced.

She admitted to having a bunch of fun while she was single, too. But, she believes those moments of fun don’t even compare to what it’s like when you are able to rely on someone, grow, and develop habits together.

Up until this point, she has enjoyed all of that with her boyfriend, too, and never doubted that was what she wanted.

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