
His Son Helped Care For Him And His Late Wife While They Battled Cancer, So He Wants To Leave More Money To His Son Than His Daughter, And The Rest Of His Family Accused Him Of Being Misogynistic 

Apparently, his wife’s health significantly declined due to leukemia around the time his son was 14 years old and his daughter was 18 years old.

So, his son has only ever worked minimum wage jobs in order to first focus on caring for his wife. Then, to focus on caring for him after he got lung cancer.

Now, he knew that his son wanted to head off to college and told his son not to worry about him and his wife. But his son still decided to focus on them for two reasons.

First, his son obviously loved him and his wife. Second, his son wanted to make sure his sister was not burdened while trying to get her education.

So, he feels extremely grateful for his son’s sacrifices. But he also feels responsible for his son’s life being put on hold.

That’s why he ultimately decided that, after he passes away, his son will get to keep his house, all of the possessions within the house, and their car.

Additionally, his son would get 80% of whatever money is left over to use toward attending college if his son wanted to.

Then, his daughter would receive the other remaining 20% of his money, as well as his late wife’s possessions and anything else his son did not inherit.

“Because I wanted to leave something but didn’t think that my daughter needed the money that much since she has a well-paying job,” he reasoned.

He did expect his daughter to be upset about this arrangement, too, and thought she might believe he was favoring his son. However, he really is just trying to “pay back” his son for all of the help and assistance over the years.

Still, what he did not expect was the rest of his family– especially his female family members– to call him up and accuse him of “acting misogynistic.”

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