
She Got Dumped By Her Ex But Really Liked Getting To Know His Friends And Wants To Reach Out To Them Again Anyway

And to be clear, she claimed that she does have her own friends. Although, most of them had moved away recently– which was why she had been searching for a new social circle in her town anyway.

That’s why she has actually been thinking about reaching out to her ex’s friends and asking them to hang out without her ex. Still, she is really not sure whether that would be crossing a boundary and a rude thing to ask following her breakup.

“Would that be very rude to ask?” she wondered.

Can you understand why she wants to keep the friendships she made during her relationship? At the same time, would it be appropriate for her to reach out to her ex’s friends without including him? How could she navigate this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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