
He Flaked Out Of Going To A Wedding With His Girlfriend Because His Ex-Wife Bailed On Watching Their Son That Night, And Now His Girlfriend Is Furious

Apparently, over the past few months, his girlfriend and her sister had been fighting really badly since her sister had turned into a complete bridezilla.

That’s why his girlfriend had a lot of anxiety about going to the wedding and really wanted him to be there. To be clear, he wanted to be there, too and even took time off of work to attend.

He also made sure to let his ex-wife know that he needed to be free that weekend, and everything seemed like it was fine.

Well, on the morning of the wedding, his ex-wife called and claimed to have picked up a night shift that Saturday evening. His ex also said that she had totally forgotten that it was supposed to be her weekend with their son.

That forced him to step in, take custody of his son that weekend, and miss the wedding. But rather than being understanding, his girlfriend was completely furious with him.

“And I do feel bad because she has severe anxiety issues anyway, and this wedding was causing her a lot of stress,” he vented.

“But, like I told her, my son comes first.”

Still, with his girlfriend seriously upset with him, he’s been left wondering whether taking his son for the weekend instead of going to the wedding really made him a jerk.

Can you understand why he always wants to put his son first? At the same time, was this fair to his girlfriend? Should he establish better boundaries and expectations with his ex-wife regarding custody? How can he reconcile this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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