
He Told His Friend Saying On Her Dating Profile That Her Cat Is More Important Than Any Guy Will Ever Be To Her Is Why She’s Probably Scaring Guys Off

rock_the_stock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

This 35-year-old man is trying to give his 30-year-old friend some dating advice as she tries to start dating again.

Her last relationship ended right before the pandemic began, and during the height of it all, she decided to get a cat to keep her company and help her through the hard times she was having.

His friend then decided to try her luck at some dating apps as a way to step back into the dating world. However, some parts of her profile have him wondering how successful the venture is going to be.

She included a lot of photos of her with her cat, and at the bottom of her profile, she writes about how much she loves and prioritizes her companion.

“You will NEVER be as important to me as my cat, so you must be comfortable with coming in second,” she wrote.

His friend hasn’t been as successful on the app as she was hoping to be, not having a large number of matches, and those that she does match with end up not really being what she’s looking for.

She was clearly discouraged by this, so he decided to offer up some ideas that might help with getting more and better suitable matches.

“I told her she may want to pull back on the amount of cat stuff and change the closing sentence because it could deter a guy from reaching out,” he explained.

Despite this advice, she doesn’t seem too keen on changing her profile. She told him that she included this line because it was the truth and that any potential partner of hers needs to be aware and comfortable with this fact.

rock_the_stock – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

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