
Her Fiancé Secretly Recorded Them In Bed And Has Been Sharing Those Videos With His Friends Since Before They Made Their Relationship Official

She could hear her fiancé on the phone through their video doorbell camera, and she could hear him screaming at the friend in question over the phone.

She didn’t catch every word that her fiancé said on the call, but she could clearly tell that he admitted to recording them in bed.

“I immediately confronted him when he came in, and he broke down apologizing, saying that the things he showed his friends were before he ever thought we’d actually date and that he stopped the moment he had felt something for me,” she said.

“That he hasn’t recorded anything since we were official, [and] begged for me to accept his apology and that nothing like that would happen again. I asked to see the videos and text messages, and he said he didn’t have them anymore.”

“He said that men do these things and that I wouldn’t understand as a woman. He was so upset that I was so mad he hit the wall and broke a vase. I’ve never seen that behavior from him. I’m just really embarrassed. I love him so much, and I never would have thought he’d do something like this to me.”

“I can’t even stand sleeping next to him. I don’t want to go to dinners or outings with our friend group anymore since I don’t know who has seen those details of me. I’m horrified, and I don’t feel the same way anymore, I don’t think. Is this something that can be worked through? Do men do these things?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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