
Her Husband Bought Her Baseball Tickets As A Birthday Gift, Even Though He Knows She Hates The Sport

Hova/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever put in so much effort to make a loved one’s birthday special, only for them to not put nearly as much effort into making your birthday fun?

One woman has a birthday very close to her husband and was very disappointed by his lack of enthusiasm for her special day after she spent lots of time and money on his birthday.

She’s 27, and her husband is 28. They both share a birthday within the same week. She loves going all out on birthdays and does whatever she can to ensure her husband has a great day. While she doesn’t necessarily expect him to put in the same amount of effort for her birthday, she couldn’t help but be disappointed about what he did this year.

“For my husband’s birthday this year, I threw a big party for him,” she explained.

“People flew in from other states, and I got it catered, and it was so fun. I also spent a lot of money and time on it. I was planning it for months. I also got him a very nice gift that is something he will definitely use.”

Her husband’s birthday and gift was so great that he continuously bragged about it to his friends. 

Then, on her birthday, she woke up to find out her husband had gone golfing. When he got home, he told her he planned to take her to a bakery and a bookstore. She was starving at that point, so they went to brunch first. 

When they got to the bookstore, she realized she had forgotten her credit card at work and didn’t have any money on her. She asked her husband if he could buy her a book, and he said no at first but eventually gave in. 

Then, she got a coffee and a few very cheap treats at the bakery. Despite that, anytime she picked up something to buy, her husband would have an attitude and comment about how much it cost, even though they had no financial struggles.

Hova/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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