Her Teen Son Has Been Abusing Alcohol, So When He Called Her Up Drunk Asking Her To Come Get Him, She Said No And Let Him Walk Home In The Rain

Goffkein - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
Goffkein - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

This mother has a 17-year-old son named Aaron, and while she used to have full custody of him, as he got older, he wanted to spend more time with his dad.

His father, however, was an alcoholic, so she was pretty hesitant about letting her son spend a lot of time with him. But at 15-years-old, she felt as though her son was old enough to make that choice on his own.

Unfortunately, not long after Aaron turned 17, his father passed away due to complications of alcohol abuse.

She did not speak to his father or that side of the family very often and decided against attending the funeral, even though she knew that her son had a closer relationship with his father and was really struggling with his passing.

“Aaron is understandably in a lot of pain. He’d bonded very closely with his dad in the time he was with him, and it doesn’t seem like he learned anything from his demise, either,” she explained.

While he was growing up, she always warned her son that if he ever started drinking, then she would want nothing to do with him.

Now, however, Aaron knows that she can’t stick to her word and has been constantly drunk and abusing alcohol.

One day, he broke into her wine cabinet and was so drunk by the time she got home that she had to take him to the hospital.

Although she’s tried to get him to join support groups and use resources provided by his school, he refuses to take any interest in going.

Goffkein – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

Recently, he was even supposed to be attending a support group meeting that evening, but to her surprise, she received a call from her son.

Aaron was drunk again and was asking her if she could pick him up because he was worried about falling while walking in the rain.

“According to him, he was only an hour from the house, so I told him I wasn’t getting him and that if he was scared he might fall, he shouldn’t have gotten drunk,” she said.

That night when he got back home, Aaron was upset and in tears, telling his mother that he knew he was a disappointment to her, but he didn’t understand why she hated him.

She tried to explain that she didn’t hate him, she just hated his actions recently, but ever since that night, Aaron has been quiet and closed off.

Do you think she was right to make Aaron walk home in the rain? Or does she need to work on being a better source of support for him and be more intent about getting him professional help?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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