
His Aunt Gave Him $500 To Buy New Clothes And Told Him Not To Tell His Mom Since His Mom Always Takes Any Money His Family Gives Him, But His Mom Found Out And Demanded He Give It To Her

watman - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Recently, this 18-year-old guy’s relatives came for a visit. And whenever his relatives normally visit, they gift him and his sibling some money to celebrate a holiday or a birthday.

However, in the past, the money has always been pocketed by his 40-year-old mother.

“This has caused some resentment, but we never really questioned it besides expressing general frustration,” he explained.

This visit from his family was to celebrate both his birthday and his graduation. He received some money from one of his aunts, but his mother noticed and promptly took it from him.

Another aunt of his recognized his mother’s behavior, so she gave him some money and told him to buy some new clothes with it and not to tell his mother that he had it.

The total amount of graduation money he received was around $500, so he decided to deposit half of it and put the other half into his savings. This is the first time that he has received money and actually kept it from his mom, and while he is excited to have it, it does feel a bit strange.

“I figured since they gave it to me as a gift, I might as well use it for college, especially as I am low income, will be going no-contact with some of my family, and it will really help me out,” he said.

But, after the celebration, his mother asked him if his aunt had given him any money for his graduation, and he lied to her and said no. While he felt guilty for lying to his mother, the two of them had a rocky relationship, and he was afraid of her lashing out at him again.

He had also already been recently kicked out of the house once, and he was worried about being kicked out yet again if she found out that he hid money from her.

watman – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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