It’s Hard To Stay On Top of Cleaning, Along With The Demands of Everyday Life, But Here Are A Few Strategies You Can Employ To Make It A More Enjoyable Task

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably not the best at keeping your room free from clutter.
Now, I’m not a total slob. I do my laundry every week, wipe up spilled crumbs, and make it a point never to leave dirty, food-encrusted dishes around.
But unfortunately, there’s more to cleaning than that. Recently, I cleaned my room, and there was dust coating the top of my dresser, clothes draped on every surface, and random receipts scattered about.
Every time I clean my room, I always vow never to let it get that bad again. No matter what, I would plan to consistently scrub, sweep, and organize.
But it’s hard to stay on top of cleaning, along with the demands of everyday life. Plus, cleaning is boring, annoying, and horrible. When you clean something, it just gets dirty all over again in seemingly no time.
So what is one to do? Well, here are some strategies you can employ to make cleaning a more enjoyable task.
Put On A Playlist
Make cleaning feel more like a party than a thankless chore by listening to music. Turn up the volume and blast tunes that get you pumped and excited for the day.
Music will increase productivity and motivate you to scrub harder and for longer. Upbeat pop songs will get you through your long list of cleaning chores.

silverkblack – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Set A Timer
Set a ten to fifteen-minute timer and see how much you can get done before your alarm goes off. Try to think of it as a game, like it’s a race against time, and you’re trying to beat the clock while you’re on a high-stakes mission. Maybe that creates too much of a stressful environment for some people, but it certainly works for me!
And then, after seeing all the progress you’ve made, you might feel motivated to continue cleaning even after the timer goes off. If not, then at least you accomplished something, no matter how small. Even if all you did was sort through a pile of papers or sweep half of the room, you’re still one step closer to a tidy space.
Reward Yourself With A Little Treat Or Two
The difference that a small treat can make is pretty amazing. When you know that you’ll be receiving a reward at the end of a long’s day work, it gives you an incentive to get things done.
Whether it’s a coffee from Starbucks, a pastry from the cute bakery down the street, or a cheap bouquet of flowers to adorn your dining table with, these pure joys will help lift your mood and stay inspired to clean.
Take Short Breaks
There’s no rulebook that declares you must clean for hours on end. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by the messy state of your bathroom, take a short break.
When you break it up into smaller tasks, it won’t seem so insurmountable. Sit outside in the sunshine, lie on the couch, or scroll through your phone for five minutes. Afterward, it’s time to tackle the challenge once again!
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