
She Found Out She Was Pregnant The Same Day She Had Her Boyfriend Removed From Her House Because He Was Cheating With Her Best Friend

She only called the police because a fight had broken out, in which her boyfriend got physical with her and left her with some serious bruises.

And as if the situation couldn’t have gotten any worse, she found out she was pregnant that same day.

By that point, her boyfriend was already gone, so she did not tell him right away. Then, when she finally did tell him over the phone, he simply hung up on her.

She has been extremely shaken up ever since, and the physical altercation pushed her to get a restraining order against her boyfriend.

Since then, she has begun cleaning and packing up the house. But even that led her to discover more evidence that her best friend and boyfriend’s affair had been going on longer than she thought.

So, she’s been left feeling physically sick to her stomach. She is angry, depressed, and upset and has no clue what to do.

“The betrayal is so much for me– watching the two people I loved the most stab me in the back,” she explained.

As for the pregnancy, she has not really made up her mind yet about what to do. On the one hand, she does make a stable income and knows that if she really tried, she could make it work as a single mother.

At the same time, though, she knows she is young and would have the opportunity to have a child again in the future.

Ever since the police accompanied her boyfriend to move his belongings out of the house, they have also been fighting over their dogs. And that, on top of everything else, is adding so much additional stress.

“He wants his dogs back, but they’re our fur children, too,” she vented.

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