She Went Out To Eat With Her Boyfriend And He Tried To Ordered Her A Salad Instead Of A Steak, Because He Said She Needs To Lose Weight

AntAlexStudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
AntAlexStudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 22-year-old girl and her 24-year-old boyfriend recently went out to eat together. While they were at the restaurant, she was planning to order herself a steak for dinner, but before she could tell their waitress what she wanted to eat, her boyfriend jumped in.

Her boyfriend said to their waitress that she would just have a salad. She did confront her boyfriend and asked why he would order for her.

His response back was that she needed to lose some weight, so that’s why he just ordered for her.

Her boyfriend then mentioned he thought she looked “too buff.” For reference, she is 5’5″ and weighs 138 pounds.

She does go to the gym multiple times every week, and she can easily deadlift 200 pounds, so she certainly is strong.

“When I told the waitress that I will be having the steak, my boyfriend said that was fine, I can have the steak, but he won’t be paying for it,” she explained.

If you thought that their problems were over when they left the restaurant and headed home that night, you’re wrong.

“So I had the medium rare juicy steak all by myself and the next day, he told me that he’ll break up with me unless I start eating salads “like a lady,” she said.

“Is he just insecure that I have muscles? Or does he want a skinny girl?”

AntAlexStudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Well, after thinking about it, she decided to dump her boyfriend over this incident. She is aware that after he tries to control what she eats, he will only escalate to trying to control other aspects of her life, like who she spends time with or what she can wear.

She realized it would be crazy to keep on seeing him, but she feels thankful that her boyfriend revealed his true colors to her quite early on in their dating life.

As soon as she dumped her boyfriend, he became furious with her and called her fat. He also said she would never find a guy better than him.

Do you think dumping him was the right decision?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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