He And His Wife Have Been Struggling In Their Relationship For The Last Year, And He’s Not Sure How They Can Reconnect

bnenin - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
bnenin - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 37-year-old guy and his 33-year-old wife have spent the last year really struggling in their relationship.

He doesn’t believe their issues stem from incompatibility or infidelity, as they are happy with one another and still in love.

But everything started to go downhill after their youngest was born, and life got a whole lot more challenging for them.

Right around then, he unexpectedly lost a family member he was incredibly close to, and he spent every weekend for 6 months traveling to deal with their estate.

At the exact instance this was all unfolding, his wife’s mom was diagnosed with a terrible and complicated medical issue that involves a ton of care. Fast forward to now, and his wife is having to take of her mom pretty much every single day.

“I think what she’s doing is incredibly sweet, brave, and shows what a tremendously good person she is…especially given their sordid history,” he explained.

“This, then, consequently leaves me as functionally a single parent most nights. Naturally, these things have taken their toll on our relationship. Not in the form of fighting, but more of distance.”

“We don’t have time to connect anymore, spend quality time together, and [physical closeness] is largely out the window. We’ve gotten into a decent rhythm of getting the kids to sleep and watching a show together before bed. But for a few months now, the prospect of ‘watching a show’ has been grating on me, but I couldn’t figure out why.”

“After all, we are so unbelievably exhausted at the end of the day that sometimes it’s the only activity we can muster. But it just hit me that, for the only activity we really do together, there is functionally no interaction between us. No talking, no paying attention to each other, nothing that leaves (at least me) satisfied in how we spent that time.”

bnenin – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He’s left wondering if this is normal by any means; to just be focused on getting your kids in bed and then having nothing else to really do except watch a show and go to bed too.

He’s also curious if there are any creative solutions for activities he can do with his wife to help them reconnect.

“Are there any creative ideas for activities we could do together in the evening?” he wondered.

“I’m a big fan of board/card games and video games, but the vast majority of the time, those seem to have little traction with her.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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