Her 11-Year-Old Daughter Made Her Lose Her Job, So She’s Grounding Her, Even Though Her Husband Doesn’t Agree

ID 88363073 - © Mashiki - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
ID 88363073 - © Mashiki - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This woman is 34 weeks pregnant and doesn’t have a traditional 9 to 5 job. A month ago, her doctor put her on bed rest, but that was recently lifted.

Even though her family was financially comfortable solely with her husband’s income, she wanted to make her own money as well, mainly so that she had something to do throughout the rest of her pregnancy and so that she could find some meaning in her daily life.

To make money, she started dog-sitting. While she only made about $150 through this, it was about more than the money for her.

She truly felt like this job was good for her mental health, and she felt like she was doing something worthwhile.

She had a client who dropped off her puppy at 7:30 a.m. and would pick her up at 8 or 9 p.m. Everything was going relatively smoothly until her 11-year-old daughter caused some major issues.

“My daughter can be a bit self-absorbed and only think of herself and her gain a lot of the time,” she said.

“She asked yesterday if she could start up her own dog-walking company, and I brushed off the idea because I’m not having my 11-year-old walking the streets with dogs.”

In her view, allowing her daughter to walk dogs in the neighborhood alone was dangerous, and she knew that due to her pregnancy and after having her baby, she wasn’t going to be able to go with her daughter to walk dogs.

She made up her mind and told her daughter she couldn’t have a dog-walking business, and her daughter was furious.

ID 88363073 – © Mashiki – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Currently, her daughter is given an allowance of about $40 a week for helping with chores around the house.

“Her father has made a dedicated ‘chore and allowance’ chart for her,” she shared. “The more chores she does, the more money she makes.”

“She has over $900 saved up already. The issue at hand is the fact that she has become fixated on money and will do anything she can to make a quick buck, even if that means walking all over people to do so.”

“She does not spend any of her money. She insists on saving every penny she makes and has said numerous times, ‘I’m going to be the richest one in the family.'”

Now, she believes that her daughter’s obsession with making money has cost her her dog-sitting job, the main thing that was providing her with purpose.

“When my client came to pick up her pup last night, my daughter came down and told her that she should stop paying me to watch the dog and pay her $1 a day because she would ‘do a better job’ and said, ‘I have the dog all day every day. My mom doesn’t do anything,'” she explained.

“This is a bald-faced lie. She walked her once yesterday, and the rest of the time, I had the pup. I did correct my daughter at that point and say, ‘No, you didn’t. I had her all day, and you walked her once,’ but, apparently, it made no difference, as my client texted me that night and said, ‘I think we will be finding another dog sitter for the time being, as I find what your daughter said to be concerning, and I just need to make sure that my pup is getting the best care. I hope you understand.'”

Even though her daughter told the client that she walked the puppy, evidently, that wasn’t completely accurate.

When she was in the yard with the puppy, her daughter came outside and asked to walk her. So, with supervision, she allowed her daughter to walk the puppy around the house, just in the yard.

Right after she received the text message from her client, she walked to her daughter’s room and grounded her for a month.

She told her that she was grounding her for causing her to lose her dog-sitting job. As a part of the punishment, she took all her daughter’s technology away and said that she was no longer allowed to go to a friend’s party next week.

Then, her daughter started crying and insisting that she didn’t mean for all of this to happen. However, she said her daughter ruining things for her and her husband in order to gain something for herself had been a constant issue in their home.

But her husband feels that grounding their daughter may have been too harsh. She doesn’t agree because she believes that her daughter truly was aware of how important this dog-sitting job was for her own mental health throughout the rest of her pregnancy, and she’s upset that her daughter did this just to try to make money for herself.

Do you think she did the right thing in grounding her daughter?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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