Her Cheapskate Boyfriend Humiliated Her In A Restaurant When His Coupon For A Free Meal Didn’t Work And He Held Up A Line of People While Waiting For A Manager Since He Didn’t Want To Pay Full Price

ID 92523836 - © Guruxox - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 92523836 - © Guruxox - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This girl has been dating her boyfriend for 4 months now, and she says that overall, their relationship has been pretty much going well for the most part.

Her boyfriend is intelligent, he’s attractive, and he’s quite successful. Despite his success, her boyfriend is weird about money.

He’s basically addicted to purchasing things that are only on sale. He’s a VP at his current company, so it’s not like he doesn’t have the means to buy things at full price.

Her boyfriend can afford to buy pretty much whatever he wants, but he simply refuses to buy anything at full price. Ever. And this is what completely drives her crazy.

Her boyfriend will only buy food on sale when grocery shopping, and he plans his weekly meals around that.

Every single item of clothing in his closet was on sale, down to his literal underwear and socks.

“Last week, we were at my friend’s house for dinner, and she commented on his shirt,” she explained.

“He proudly said he got it on clearance last year for $20. I was mortified. Lastly, we don’t go to any restaurant unless he finds a coupon or they’re running some kind of special.”

“Things came to a head last night when we went out to dinner. He had a digital coupon for buy one, get one free. For some reason, the restaurant’s computer didn’t recognize the deal, and the poor cashier couldn’t make it work. We were holding up the crowded line because he refused to pay for both dinners.”

ID 92523836 – © Guruxox – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The cashier tried to call the manager over to help them, but the manager was tied up in another part of the restaurant.

They had to wait for the manager to come over, and the people in line behind them were getting irritated.

She was so humiliated that she walked out of the restaurant and left him there alone while she waited by the car.

“We argued the entire drive home,” she said. “We were supposed to go to the movies because he got free tickets, but I wasn’t in the mood, so he dropped me off. We haven’t texted today at all.”

“When I talked to my friends at brunch, they didn’t see a problem with it, and I found it frustrating that they didn’t understand how embarrassing it is.”

She’s left wondering if she’s being a jerk about this or if it really is normal for her boyfriend to be a cheapskate.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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