
Her Friend Freaked Out And Said She Cares More About Climbing The Corporate Ladder Than Their Friendship After She Found Out She Was No Longer Invited To Attend Corporate Parties With Her

zinkevych - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 30-year-old woman routinely attends different corporate parties and events as part of her job, and she is pretty much always permitted to bring a guest with her as she’s single.

She has invited her 30-year-old female friend to go with her plenty of times, and this particular friend is awkward in social settings and always ends up saying the wrong things.

Several weeks ago, at the last event they attended together, her friend did a couple of things that humiliated her.

One of these things included her friend talking about how wonderful a competitive company was to the host of the event.

She tried to privately tell her friend this was not ok, but her friend brushed her off and said that her company and the competitor are pretty much the same.

Her friend then had so much to drink at the open bar that she had to help make sure she got home safely.

“This was not the first incident of her acting this way, but it was the worst,” she explained. “As a result, I have stopped inviting her to anything connected to my job and instead only grab drinks or dinner from time to time.”

“She has learned that I still go to these things for work through a common friend and asked if she could go to another one since money has been tight and she could use a free night out.”

“I said it’s not looking good, and when she pushed me as to why, I told her the truth: that her behavior at the last event was disruptive. She freaked out and said that I was more interested in “image” and “the corporate ladder” than friendship.”

zinkevych – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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