His Girlfriend Asked To Move In With Him, But His One Condition Is That He Doesn’t Want Her To Keep Her Dog

Daniel - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog
Daniel - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

This guy has been dating his girlfriend, Kate, for about two years. He feels like they have a good relationship, too, without any major disagreements or conflicts.

“I would like to see where things go with her,” he admitted.

That’s why he was even considering asking Kate to move in with him. However, one issue prevented him from doing that: the fact that his girlfriend has a dog.

Kate’s dog is a German Shepherd, which has actually gotten used to by this point. Nonetheless, he claimed that he and the pup were not best friends by any means.

Plus, he cannot stand how much the dog sheds, and his girlfriend apparently is not the best at cleaning up the hair, either.

“I don’t want a dog that barely tolerates me to live with me, and I didn’t want to ask her to choose between her dog and me. So, I haven’t,” he explained.

However, his girlfriend’s lease will be up soon, and the rent prices in their area have soared to crazy heights.

So, even though Kate earns a decent income, being forced to pay such inflated rent will still cause her finances to take a pretty big hit.

That’s why his girlfriend recently asked if he would be open to letting her move in with him.

Daniel – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

“And I said I was, but not her dog,” he recalled.

Kate reportedly became furious after that, and they had their first huge fight. She couldn’t believe that he was suggesting she just abandon the pup.

Nonetheless, he felt like he was being extremely fair. After all, he didn’t make her choose between him and the dog by asking her to move in with him. Instead, she asked, and he just told her the truth.

“I’d love to have her, but not the dog. It would be one thing if it was super friendly or if it was a different breed and didn’t shed as much,” he vented.

“That would be a compromise I’d make.”

But that’s just not the case, and he’s not willing to budge on letting the dog live at his place.

So, Kate has been super angry with him and refuses to talk to him. Some of their mutual friends also agree with her that he was in the wrong.

That’s why he’s now wondering whether not wanting his girlfriend to keep her dog if she moves in with him makes him a real jerk.

Do you understand why he thinks he’s being fair since he never asked? At the same time, is it right for him to expect his girlfriend to abandon her dog if she wants to move in with him? How would you feel if you were in his girlfriend’s shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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