His Late Wife Left Their Kids Money For College, And His New Wife Is Furious With Him For Never Disclosing That It’s A Substantial Amount of Cash

ID 58726548 - © Apartura - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only
ID 58726548 - © Apartura - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only

This man was married to his first wife, Sammy, for 8 years, and together they had two children. They had a daughter, Delaney, who is currently 18, and they had a son named Finn, who is a year younger than his sister.

Sammy was sadly born with a terrible heart defect that didn’t get diagnosed for a number of years. When Sammy became pregnant with Delaney, that’s when doctors realized that she had the defect.

Sammy had struggled with multiple health issues throughout her whole life, which pointed to the defect, yet doctors had ignored it for so long.

“During her pregnancy with our son, she went into total heart failure, and between one thing or another, she realized she would not get another heart in time,” he explained.

“Sammy came into money a few years before her death. We had always talked about that going toward our kids’ college expenses.”

“When she realized it was unlikely she would live long enough to see them past kindergarten and first grade, she asked me how I would feel about her parents being in charge of the money.”

Now, his family is awful, and he always knew that if they got their hands on this money, they would spend it all in a heartbeat and without any consideration for the kids.

So he told Sammy that he was alright with her mom and dad being in charge of the money. He ended up losing Sammy far sooner than he expected, though she did pass peacefully.

Four years after Sammy’s passing, he met his new wife, Nat. After dating Nat for two years, he got married to her.

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Nat has two daughters from a previous relationship, and they are 12 and 14. He and Nat did sit down to talk about their finances and saving money for college for all their kids at one point.

During that discussion, he did tell Nat that Sammy had left his own kids money for college, but he never told her what the amount was.

Unfortunately, Nat’s ex stole the money she had saved up to send her girls to college, so he began helping her save, though it was not a significant sum of money by any means.

Delaney has recently approached him to say she’s interested in attending a community college in the near future, so he knew he had to speak to her and Finn about the money Sammy left for them.

He then let Delaney know that there was so much money available to both her and her brother that she could easily go away for college without a problem.

In the end, Delaney stated that she wanted to use her college fund to pay for her future home, and Finn expressed the same interest.

Well, this summer, Delaney let it slip in front of Nat that she was planning to use her college fund to purchase a home.

This statement really threw Nat for a loop, as she assumed there was not that much money in the college fund for Delaney or Finn.

“She asked how much money it was, and she was furious with me when Delaney told her,” he continued.

“She said I should have disclosed just how much my kids had access to. I asked her why, it was their money, and it had nothing to do with her.”

“She said I was too vague and I should trust her as my wife. This has been a tension between us since.”

He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to not tell Nat exactly how much money Sammy left his kids.

What do you think?

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