His Wife Just Broke Up With Him, Yet She Expects Him To Still Help Pay For The Majority of The Rent On Their $6,000 A Month New York City Apartment

ID 103701190 - © Llaszlo - Dreamstime.com  -  illustrative purposes only
ID 103701190 - © Llaszlo - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only

This 34-year-old man and his 31-year-old wife both make excellent money at their jobs, and they recently signed a new lease on an apartment in New York City.

Their lease is for the next 12 months, and he admits their apartment is completely and utterly overpriced, as it’s a one-bedroom that costs them $6,000 a month to rent.

He and his wife have been with one another for seven and a half years, but they tied the knot two years ago.

“She’s been stressed about saving money, so I offered to pay $4,500, and she could pay only $1,500. We’re both named on the lease,” he explained.

“She “broke up” with me a month after signing, refuses to see a therapist to attempt to repair, and wants to move to Europe.”

“We have a prenup which considers all of our personal finances separate but says we’ll split joint assets and debts 50/50 (basically furniture and our joint credit card).”

In light of his wife unexpectedly dumping him, he no longer thinks he should be helping her pay for her share of the rent on their apartment.

He thinks he and his wife should both pay $3,000 a month until they can hopefully get out of their lease.

But, that doesn’t seem to be possible, as he asked his landlord if it would be ok for them to exit the lease early.

ID 103701190 – © Llaszlo – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only

His landlord said no way and actually suggested that perhaps he and his wife should stay together too.

But, back to his wife; she honestly believes he should have to continue to carry the majority of their monthly rent payment, despite her desire to leave him.

“She thinks the offer still stands she she only has to pay $1,500/month, leaving me paying $4,500 for an apartment I don’t even want anymore (she actually picked the place, it wasn’t my first choice),” he said.

“She also asked if she could leave immediately and pay $0 since I’ll have the apartment to myself.”

Right now, he’s attempting to find someone to sublet their apartment, but that’s not really panning out so well.

He’s left wondering if he should have to pay for the majority of the rent on this overpriced apartment.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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