His Wife Tried To Force His Daughter To Share Her College Fund With Her Stepbrother, And After His Wife Said Some Cruel Things To His Daughter In The Process, He Filed For Divorce

Olga - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Olga - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 39-year-old man has an 18-year-old daughter named Emma from his first marriage. He and his first wife met back when they were in middle school and were together ever since.

Emma was not planned at all, but they were so happy to welcome her into the world and step into the role of mom and dad.

Sadly, his wife passed away while giving birth to Emma. Back then, he had just graduated and was struggling to parent Emma and do well at his job.

He honestly started failing at having to balance being a new dad with his career. So, less than two years after his first wife passed away, he got married to his second wife, Sam.

“She was also struggling raising her son (Tom) due to financial difficulties,” he explained. “It was a marriage of convenience, and we were very open about that.”

“She would be a stay-at-home mom raising both kids while I will financially provide for them. There were ups and downs along the road, but we made it work.”

“Sam always gave her son preferential treatment as in emotionally, which I never took issue with; after all, she was my daughter, not hers. But I always provided equally for both of them ’cause I always felt obligated to be fair with both of them.”

Throughout Tom and Sam’s childhoods, there were no major problems, and both of the kids really got along. His family situation turned into something better than he could have ever dreamed of.

Now, back when his first wife passed away, she had an insurance policy that got paid out as soon as she did pass.

Olga – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He and his first wife once chatted about what they should do with the money if one of them died, and they agreed that the money would go to any children that they had.

They also agreed that in the event they did not have any children, the surviving spouse should take that money and travel the world with it.

Since they did end up having Emma, he has taken his wife’s insurance money, placed it into a trust, and let it grow for the last 18 years.

That money in the trust has been raking in incredible profits, and it’s to the point where it is a significant sum of money.

“I have never borrowed even a penny from it because it belongs to my daughter, and I am just a guardian,” he said.

“This year, both kids applied to colleges, and Emma got into an Ivy League with a full scholarship. Our plan was if Emma did not get the scholarship, I would pay her tuition with the trust.”

“Tom also applied to an Ivy League and got admission but without a scholarship. He and I both discussed our options, and I told him that I can help him with living expenses while he pursues his studies. But I can’t afford the tuition without getting a massive hit. He was understanding and said that he will take a loan for it. It was settled then. Or at least, I thought it was.”

One evening, Sam approached him and asked if he could pay for Tom using Emma’s college fund, which he found shocking.

He did reply to Sam that he would consider the ask, and he did drag his feet on getting back to her. He first wanted to see what Emma thought about helping Tom, but he wanted to speak to her privately.

Sam can get pushy, and he didn’t want her to influence Emma in any way. Emma is a sweetheart and always tries to help anyone in need.

He sat Emma down and informed her of the situation before asking what she would like to do with her college money.

Emma then questioned him about what he thought the right thing for her to do would be. He stated that he did not have an opinion for her and that whatever she chose to do with the money would not impact their relationship at all.

“She told me that she wanted to travel the world with me as her mom wanted with half of the money and invest the rest so she can have extra cash flow,” he continued.

“She asked me for the weekend to think about it, which I was happy to give her. Over the weekend, she texted me to come to her room. She asked me to explain the profit yields, the amount, and everything related to the amount, which I did.”

“After contemplating, she decided that she can pay for 1/2 of Tom’s tuition while touring the world and maintaining a healthy cash flow. I stressed to her that if she does not want to do it, she does not have to. Tom is not her responsibility. But she said she wanted to help her brother out.”

Later on, they had a family meeting, and Emma told Tom that she would be happy to pay for half of his college tuition.

Tom began crying and rushed to hug Emma. He was incredibly grateful to Emma for being so generous, but Sam clearly was unhappy.

They all went out for dinner together, but after they came home, Sam demanded to know who had made the call about the college money.

He didn’t lie to Sam and said Emma had been the one to choose. Sam was upset and said he should have made the decision since she felt the money did not belong to Emma.

He had no problem telling Sam that she had zero say since he had decided what to do with that money with Emma’s mom when she was still alive.

Sam kept pushing the issue, and he shut her down, but Sam insisted she would speak to Emma to say she shouldn’t travel the world and instead should use her money to pay for all of Tom’s college tuition.

He shut Sam down again and reminded her that it was none of her business and that she should say nothing to Emma.

Well, Sam didn’t listen to him because a week after that late-night conversation, Tom sent him a frantic text saying he had to come home ASAP.

He rushed to get back, and when he walked through the door ten minutes later, he found Sam screaming at Emma about how she should pay for all of Tom’s tuition, and Emma was sobbing.

He intervened, but then Sam yelled at Emma that she’s a monster who killed her own mom.

This was the final straw for him. He took Tom and Emma and left the house, but not before telling Sam that she had two days to move out for good and that he was filing for divorce.

He took the kids to stay in a hotel with him, and Tom kept saying how sorry he was for how Sam had behaved.

Meanwhile, when Emma was done crying, she told Tom she would still pay for half of his tuition, as they had already discussed.

“By the time we got home, my parents were already there, and Sam was gone,” he added. “My parents asked about what happened, and apparently, Sam had fed them half the story…they were furious but tried to lower the temperature and asked if there is any way to make amends. I told them that my decision is final.”

“I have served Sam with papers with a fair amount of alimony along with 1BR apartment since she made our home while I worked despite the prenup, which eliminated any prospects of alimony or division of assets.”

“In the meantime, our relatives and friends have been asking me to reconsider it while they do not condone what happened, they want me to make space for her. Sam also reached out to Emma and apologized for her behavior. Emma asked me to reconsider my decision as she has forgiven Sam and feels like there won’t be any friction since she has already left for college.”

“I am not willing to roll back because whatever affection I had for Sam is gone. I don’t think it will ever be the same if we got back together. And there is no changing that this lack of feelings for her.”

He’s not sure where to go from here.

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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