She And Her Best Friend Made A Pact Not To Go After A Guy They Both Liked, But Her Best Friend Hooked Up With Him Anyway And Lied To Her About It

ID 151564175 - © Ales Utouka - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 151564175 - © Ales Utouka - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 21-year-old woman did not know her best friend, who is 18, for very long. But, they hit it off really quickly and became very close extremely fast– telling each other everything.

She also happened to be head over heels for one of their mutual friends, Joe, who is 21.

At the start of her friendship with her best friend, Joe even showed some interest in her, too.

So, she told her best friend about how she liked Joe, but things got a bit messy. Apparently, her friend claimed to like Joe as well.

“My friend told me she had liked Joe for some time, so I immediately backed off,” she recalled.

Then, they both came to an agreement. She and her friend called Joe their “no guy,” meaning that he was off-limits for both of them. Her friend even promised not to go after Joe.

Well, it later became clear that their pact didn’t mean much to her best friend because her friend wound up hooking up with Joe anyway!

She did ask her best friend point-blank if they had ever gotten with the guy, too. But every single time, her friend told her no.

“I asked this a couple more times throughout the months, and it was always the same answer– no way,” she said.

ID 151564175 – © Ales Utouka – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Yet, Joe eventually spilled the beans, revealing how he had hooked up with her best friend. And boy, was she angry.

So, she confronted her friend again and didn’t stop pushing until the truth came out. Her best friend wound up admitting to it but didn’t even seem remorseful over what happened.

Instead, her friend claimed that she shouldn’t care since she wasn’t in a relationship with Joe or anything. Plus, her friend even said that “what was done was done.”

“Which is all true, and I got that,” she vented.

“I wasn’t upset that my friend [hooked up] with him. I was mainly upset that she lied to me to my face multiple times about it.”

That’s why she ultimately decided to start distancing herself from her friend because she just thinks her friend isn’t trustworthy, and she feels very betrayed.

But, before she totally cuts her best friend off, she’s been left wondering whether that would make her a jerk.

How would you feel if your best friend made a pact with you and went behind your back? Does she have a right to feel betrayed? Would you cut off your friend also?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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