
She Broke Up With Her Boyfriend And Kicked Him Out After He Said He Wants To Only Spend His Money On Himself

BullRun - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 21-year-old woman just broke up with her boyfriend, also 21. She and her boyfriend started dating not long after she’d gotten out of a bad relationship that she described as “toxic.”

Apparently, her boyfriend was homeless when she started dating him, but he hadn’t told her this. Then, he was arrested and briefly spent some time in jail.

“I felt the need to ‘save him’ (subconsciously), so I moved him into my mom’s house. We’d only been together for a couple of months up until that point, off and on,” she said.

“Our moving in together basically forced a committed relationship on us. I had never lived with any boyfriends.”

Later on, she took over the lease on an apartment that some of her family members had previously lived in, and her boyfriend moved into the apartment with her.

Issues in their relationship began when her boyfriend didn’t want her to see her closest friend of six years.

Usually, after a lot of fighting back and forth, he relented and allowed her to hang out with her friend, but he would set limitations like asking her to be home from her hangout before he got home.

That wasn’t the only way her boyfriend tried to control her social life.

“I can’t go out. I just turned 21. I haven’t even been to a bar! He convinced me he could take over the month’s rent so I could pursue school full-time, so I quit my job. Ever since then, he’s been using everything against me. I’ve had enough,” she continued.

BullRun – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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