She Called Her Boyfriend A Tool Because He Acted Super Creepy And Inappropriately Toward Her Sister-In-Law, And Even Attempted To Kiss Her On The Lips

ID 147817986 - © Andersonrise - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 147817986 - © Andersonrise - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman will be staying at her brother and sister-in-law’s home in a new city for a few months while she gets acquainted in the area. And just last night, she decided to invite her boyfriend– who she recently started dating– over to hang out.

However, the introduction between her brother and her sister-in-law did not go as expected.

“He acted very creepily around my sister-in-law, according to me, anyway,” she revealed.

Apparently, her boyfriend first made a strange comment about how her sister-in-law had really nice legs. Then, throughout the evening, he kept finding different ways to spend more time with her sister-in-law.

“He probably had not seen a chess board since elementary school, but he felt the need to play with my sister-in-law to see how ‘good she is,'” she explained.

Not to mention, her boyfriend also tried to impress her sister-in-law by playing the guitar and even acted so flirty that her sister-in-law was actually forced to tell him to stop.

On top of all of this, her boyfriend made inappropriate jokes and actually touched her sister-in-law inappropriately, too, which he tried to play off as just him “being clumsy.”

“He even tried kissing my sister-in-law on the lips while leaving!” she said.

So, by the end of the night, her brother and sister-in-law pulled her aside to have a chat about her new beau. They essentially told her that her boyfriend was a creep and advised her to reconsider her relationship with him.

ID 147817986 – © Andersonrise – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

That’s why, later that same evening, she decided to give her boyfriend a call, and she was furious with him.

Yet, her boyfriend just got defensive and claimed he was an “entertainer by nature” who can “often appear to be creepy but really is not.” According to her boyfriend, she should have known this by now, too.

Anyway, he just accused her of overreacting and claimed that he was simply trying to get to know everyone better.

She didn’t think her boyfriend’s response was good enough, though, so she just called him a tool.

“And he has not spoken to me since,” she vented.

So now, in the wake of the weird introduction, she’s been left wondering whether calling her boyfriend a tool for how he acted around her sister-in-law really made her a jerk or not.

Can you imagine if your partner acted like that around your sister-in-law? Does it sound like her boyfriend was just trying to be “entertaining,” or was he really acting like a tool? Is she in the wrong here? How would you have handled this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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