
She Does Not Want To Give Away Her Role In Her Mom And Stepdad’s Wedding To Her Stepsister, Because She’s Been Nothing But Nasty

teksomolika - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old’s mom has been with her stepdad for 13 years. Her stepdad has two daughters named Jess, 29, and Ivy, 23.

From the start, she and Ivy got along, but she never had the same close relationship with Jess, and she wasn’t the only one who didn’t get along with her.

“Jess also didn’t get on with my mom, or Ivy, or her dad, and mostly stayed at her mom’s,” she said.

At 19, her stepdad got her a job in his industry, and Jess, who was unemployed at the time, was angry about this because she’d apparently wanted him to give her the job instead.

Eventually, Jess went low contact with Ivy, her stepdad, and her mom.

Now, her mom and stepdad have decided to get married in October. They asked her to be the “‘best woman,'” her mom asked Ivy to be her maid-of-honor, and they invited Jess as a guest, and she RSVP’ed yes. However, Jess learned that she was left out of having a role in the wedding and wasn’t happy about it.

“Jess has been badmouthing our parents to the whole extended family and sending her dad horrible messages that have really upset him. She has also been in contact with Ivy, calling her a terrible sister for being involved in the wedding and letting her be excluded,” she shared.

After a couple of weeks of this behavior, Jess finally turned her attention away from Ivy.

“She then made it around to calling me. I was already livid because the most important people in my life have been dealing with such awful treatment from Jess at what was meant to be a happy time,” she explained.

teksomolika – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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