She Refused To Feed Her Boyfriend’s Daughter Since The Little Girl Couldn’t Decide On What To Eat

ID 255820203 - © Valerii Honcharuk - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
ID 255820203 - © Valerii Honcharuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

For a year, this woman has been in a relationship, and her boyfriend has a 12-year-old daughter named Mya.

She has three children of her own: 12-year-old twins and a 7-year-old. Also, she runs her own daycare.

A little over a month ago, the family member who watched Mya while her boyfriend was at work moved to another state.

While he tried to find someone else to watch Mya, he asked if she could temporarily step in to watch Mya at her daycare when he was at work. She agreed and had no problem with doing so.

“I generally enjoy being around his daughter, but I’m starting to realize that she’s a completely different person when she’s around other kids,” she said.

Now, she has been watching Mya for about a month, and it hasn’t been going smoothly.

“It takes her over an hour to decide what she wants for lunch,” she explained. “That in itself is whatever, but she throws a tantrum if anyone else eats before she decides what she wants.”

“She expects everyone else to sit around hungry until she makes up her mind because it’s ‘the polite thing to do,’ and if I don’t give in to this delusion, she will outright refuse to eat and pout in the corner.”

At her daycare, all of the children’s parents pack their lunches. Her 12-year-old twins make their own meals, but Mya refuses to make food herself. Evidently, this was the main reason that her boyfriend needed her to watch Mya in the first place.

ID 255820203 – © Valerii Honcharuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Apparently, when her boyfriend has allowed Mya to stay home alone in the past, she never ate because “she ‘isn’t ready for that responsibility.'”

The issue is so extreme that Mya won’t make her own sandwich or dish her own plate at the dinner table where everything is laid out for her already.

Her boyfriend seems to be enabling Mya’s behavior because he does everything for her instead of allowing her to have some independence.

Her boyfriend lovingly calls Mya his “little princess,” and she has even heard him say, “‘She shouldn’t have to get her hands dirty'” to excuse Mya’s refusal to do anything herself.

Also, Mya is a very picky eater. Some days, while at daycare, she was willing to eat a sandwich. Then, she would suddenly claim not to like bread and would get mad at her for somehow not being aware of this. Many times, Mya refused to eat meals that she prepared, leading to a lot of food being wasted.

She has talked to Mya about this behavior multiple times, and so has her boyfriend.

Yesterday, Mya took 45 minutes to pick something to eat, so she told her that she wasn’t going to allow her to take this long anymore.

Then, she added that she would give Mya two options to choose from, and if she didn’t choose one, she wouldn’t be eating.

“Harsh, but I was at my wit’s end,” she continued. “I also went out last night to buy her both beefaroni and ravioli because she said that was what she wanted for lunch today.”

“But then lunchtime today comes, and I ask which one she wants, and she starts right in with the, “Hmmm…decisions, decisions…,” dragging this out for 20 minutes. I said, “Pick now, or it’s nothing.’ She didn’t take me seriously, so I closed the cupboards.”

At this, Mya was furious that she was making food for her youngest son instead of waiting for her to make up her mind like she always demanded.

Finally, she called her boyfriend, and when he answered, she said, “‘I can’t do this anymore. Come get Mya.'”

After 45 minutes, she saw her boyfriend’s car pulling into the driveway. This was when Mya suddenly claimed she wanted to have what she’d made for her son.

However, this meal had never been one of the two options she’d given Mya, and she had to make her son’s meal, particularly because he needed to have his medication mixed into the dish.

Unfortunately, her boyfriend didn’t take her side in this situation when he came into the house. He was angry and said that she was “‘letting his kid go hungry,'” and he even told her that this was possibly a dealbreaker for him. As she walked him and Mya to the front door, she was speechless and could only manage to say, “Okay,” before they left.

Do you think she was right to refuse to feed Mya?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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