She Went On A Bowling Date With A Guy Who Was Charming, But She Wasn’t Attracted To Him Because He Was Bigger Than His Photos And Smelled Bad, So She’s Not Sure If She Should Be Honest

ID 9699503 - © Jbdphotography - -  illustrative purposes only
ID 9699503 - © Jbdphotography - - illustrative purposes only

This 22-year-old girl went on a date last night with a 24-year-old guy she met through a dating app. While they were texting back in forth prior to their date, he was incredibly sweet, but when she met him in real life, she was instantly disappointed.

This guy was much larger than his photos made him seem, and she also thought that he smelled awful and sort of sweaty.

He was quite kind on their date, and they went bowling. Their conversation went well on their date, but she just was not attracted to him.

“He has very nice features, pretty eyes, a nice smile, and a cute nose,” she explained. “After he left, he texted me saying he had a wonderful time and wanted to see me again, and I was honest with him that I wasn’t really feeling it, but I’d like to remain friends.”

“I feel like the girl in all those ridiculous posts people make…he drove an hour to meet me and then paid our bill at the bowling alley before I had a chance to object. And I barely gave him anything other than a rejection.”

She feels terrible since he is clearly a nice guy, but she can’t pretend she is attracted to him when she isn’t.

When she did let him down, he asked her to tell him what she didn’t like about him since he’s constantly looking for ways to improve upon himself.

She didn’t reply back to him, as she doesn’t believe that being honest in this situation is the right thing to do.

“I don’t think telling him “You’re bigger than I expected and smell bad, I’m not attracted to you” is a fair thing to say…but I honestly can’t think of anything else,” she said.

ID 9699503 – © Jbdphotography – – illustrative purposes only

“He’s a perfect gentleman, opened all the doors for me, asked permission to place his arm around me, and he was a good listener and also funny and charming.”

“I think he’s got the personality down pat, but again, I can’t force myself to feel attraction. I also want to be more concrete in that I am not interested, and I don’t wish to waste his time. Ugh.. what do I say?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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