
She’s Refusing To Drive Her Little Sister To Her Lacrosse Game, Since She Never Wears Her Seatbelt

Since the incident, she’s refused to drive her sister anywhere. Her parents understood, but they’ve also been really busy.

So, for the last two weeks, no one’s been able to drive her sister around, and she’s missed some opportunities to hang out with her friends.

Then, things came to a head when her sister needed a ride for an important lacrosse game she had on Friday.

Her parents cannot take her sister because they’ll be out of town, so they asked her a few days in advance to take her to the game.

She reminded them that she refused to drive her sister anywhere, so they told her sister that finding a ride would be up to her.

But the night before the game, her sister told her she had to give her a ride, and she told her there was no way she’d be doing that.

“We argued, and eventually she cried and begged, promising me she’ll wear her seatbelt,” she said.

“She can’t find a ride now, and [she] doesn’t want to let down her team. I told her if she flew through my front window in a car wreck and ended up in the hospital, she’d really let down her team, but she didn’t seem to care then.”

Her sister was devastated and kept begging for a ride. Her team also started getting upset with her, as she was running out of options.

Now, her parents are telling her she should suck it up and take her sister because her game is important, and it’ll only be a short ride.

Even if she could drive her sister, she still wants to stand her ground.

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