The Last Time He Let His Roommate Borrow His Car, She Never Came Home, And He Needed To Get To Work

ID 19676828 - © Oleksandr Pekur - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 19676828 - © Oleksandr Pekur - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Four months ago, this 26-year-old man and a friend he’d had for a couple of years started rooming together.

His roommate, 25, doesn’t have a car, but she’s planning on moving abroad soon. Conveniently, their town has good public transportation.

However, his roommate isn’t good at managing her time when she takes public transport, so she’s constantly running late.

On occasion, he’s allowed her to use his car to run errands, even sometimes when he’s not around. She is on his car insurance, and at first, the arrangement was going well.

“However, I feel that she has totally taken advantage of my trust recently,” he said. “She met some foreign exchange students through an app and wanted to meet them because it was one of their birthdays.”

“They live 70 miles from us. I was fine with it and drove with her the first time in case they had any malicious intent. We stayed until like 4 a.m., where I had to basically beg her to leave so we could get home already.”

The following day, they were invited to another get-together with the group. At first, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to go, but he eventually agreed.

He and his roommate had a fun night, but once again, he had to plead with her to leave when it was almost 3 a.m.

When they left to make the hour-long drive home, she told him that the group had invited them to play Frisbee the next day.

ID 19676828 – © Oleksandr Pekur – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He already had plans, so he wouldn’t be able to make it, but he told his roommate that it was okay with him if she took his car and went alone.

But he asked her to make sure to leave earlier than the past two times because he didn’t want her driving home on the mountain roads late at night when she would surely be really tired. She assured him that she’d come home earlier.

“Here is what upsets me. The day goes on; I’m at home doing what I need to do, and it gets to be around 10 p.m. 10 is not really late for us, so I wait until 11 p.m. to text her, asking for an update and make sure she’s good,” he shared.

“She takes a long time to reply and says she’ll be home by 3 a.m. Not what I wanted, but she’s a night owl, so I relented.”

“I trusted that she’d get driving around 2 a.m., and I tried to stay up to make sure she got started, but I fell asleep. I woke up at 7 a.m. and expected her to be in the house, but her shoes and my car were nowhere to be found. She never came home.”

Understandably concerned, he checked his phone and saw that she had sent him a text message at 3:05 a.m. to say that at the get-together, they’d “played a scary game,” and she was terrified.

“She gets honest-to-God nightmares from horror games, shows, and movies, especially about zombies, so I didn’t doubt the fact that she got spooked. Not the point, though,” he continued.

Despite how scared his roommate had been by the game she played with her new group of friends, she never reached out at 2 a.m. like he’d hoped to let him know that she wasn’t on her way home. She never even updated him to tell him that she was going to stay at her friends’ dorm.

Not knowing what was going on with his roommate was the most upsetting part about the whole situation.

He then called his roommate more than 40 times to make sure she was okay, and he didn’t hear anything from her until much later when she eventually reached out and said she’d fallen asleep on one of her friend’s bean bags.

Even though he was still frustrated and stressed, he responded and said he was happy she was alright and that he’d talk to her later on that day.

Unfortunately, he’d needed his car to get to work in the morning. Not only did his roommate’s lack of communication cause him to worry for her safety, but she also inconvenienced him, and now he feels like she took advantage of his kind gesture of letting her borrow his car.

Now, he doesn’t want to allow her to use his car anymore.

What would you do if you were in his shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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