She’s A Farmer Talking About All The Things That Make The Farmer Dating Experience Unique

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ID 49415245 - © Dlphoto6 - - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever wondered how people in rural areas with slim populations get out on the town and go on dates?

One woman has been bravely and candidly sharing her dating experiences as a garlic farmer living in Northern Michigan, and it’s both adorable and fascinating.

Carol (@newdawnfields) is a farmer and activist who works on New Dawn Fields, a farm specializing in garlic, and strives to offer work to women and non-binary people who have survived assault. The farm is located in Northern Michigan, where Carol is from.

Carol is middle-aged and divorced and decided to return to the dating scene in May. Since her very first date with this man, she’s been documenting her experience and all of the things that make the farmer dating experience unique.

For instance, on her first date with this man, she arrived where they were supposed to meet an hour early and brought along a jar of homemade jam. Why? Because she figured that’s what everyone would want to be given on a first date.

Before long, Carol had thousands of views and decided to continue updating her viewers on her dates with this guy, as the first date had gone very well.

After a few more dates, Carol had a few more farming surprises in store for this guy.

Later in May, she posted an update for her viewers, telling them, “It went over so well that we’ve now upgraded to a full pint of blueberry jam,” as she holds up a massive jar of jam to the camera while laughing.

Then, Carol said she had entered the “I bring a dozen and a half farm fresh eggs” phase of her budding relationship. Yes, she brought her date a massive carton of beautiful, fresh eggs. With today’s inflation prices, who wouldn’t fall in love with this woman?

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“You know, if you need dating advice from a country, middle-aged divorcée, I got the game,” says Carol.

Carol certainly has the game, as her dates have continued going wonderfully, and she keeps bringing her “city man” fabulous, farm-to-table gifts.

She went extremely viral when she took a comment from her date deeply into consideration and made him something, not many people had seen before.

On their second date, Carol and her partner talked about how it made them sad thinking about how men aren’t usually given flowers in the same context as women.

Her date heard a line on a podcast that said men typically receive their first bouquet of flowers for a funeral, and that made her very sad.

“He had realized he had never gotten flowers, so I made a garlic bouquet with flowers I got from my yard,” says Carol as she giggles and holds up a gorgeous floral bouquet stuffed with fresh garlic bulbs.

How cute is that?

People in Carol’s comments section could not get over her gift’s sweetness and uniqueness.

“I would marry the person who did this for me,” commented one user.

“This is beyond cute. It’s so heartfelt. You’re such a great person.”

As of late July, Carol officially started referring to this man as her partner, and things seem to be going really well.

On one of their dates, she spotted pounds of fresh oyster mushrooms growing across the street from his house and gathered them so they could cook and eat them, making him fall for her even more!

Carol’s still bringing him fresh items from her farm, teaching him about the beauty of fresh produce and foraging, and consistently impressing him with her knowledge and skills.

If you’d like to learn more about Carol’s farm, New Dawn Fields, you can visit her website here.

You go, Carol!

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