
He Left In The Middle of A Date Because The Girl Chewed With Her Mouth Open

Volodymyr - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 20-year-old man’s friend recently helped match him up with a girl named Maria, 21, whom his friend knew from a study group.

He’s struggled to get out of his comfort zone in order to meet women and try to find someone he’s compatible with, but he was open to a date, and it turned out that, according to his friend, Maria was in the same boat.

So, he messaged Maria on Instagram, and they chatted for several days before they planned to have dinner together at a nice restaurant.

In preparation for the upcoming date, he got his hair cut, bought a new outfit, and was looking forward to spending time with Maria.

At first, the date was pretty normal and what he was expecting.

“It started off awkward, but then we both slowly let loose and became more comfortable. All in all, she seems like a nice girl to talk to,” he said.

However, when their food was brought to the table, the date quickly took a turn for the worse.

“I realized she chews with her mouth open. That was my biggest pet peeve as a kid,” he explained.

His father’s teeth were in rough shape, and he would chew his food with his mouth wide open. It was so revolting for him to watch that he’d have to request to leave the dining room table, and ever since, he hasn’t been able to deal with people who don’t close their mouths while eating.

Volodymyr – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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