
He Threw Away The Gifts His Girlfriend Bought Him For His Birthday, Since He Thought They Were Junk Or Too Much Responsibility

Nana_studio - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This guy is super hard to buy gifts for, so when his birthday rolled around, he told his girlfriend not to bother getting him anything.

He detailed how he didn’t need or want anything. He also claimed this wasn’t some sort of secret challenge for his girlfriend to still go out and try to find something that he would like.

However, he was disappointed to realize that she did exactly that.

“Of course, she gets me some gifts. And I hate them. She got me junk and a responsibility. Two things I don’t want more of in my life,” he explained.

Knowing how much he likes to make hard-boiled eggs in his pressure cooker, she decided that a smaller egg cooker would be convenient and something he would use. But he’s expressed to her before that the way his pressure cooker cooks the eggs is perfect for him, so he was confused about why she would get him a cheaper replacement.

“It’s not that I’m particular about my eggs. It’s that I already have an egg cooker that’s always on the counter that I also use to cook a bunch of other dishes. So it’s multi-purpose. A dedicated egg cooker is completely redundant,” he said.

In addition to the egg cooker, his girlfriend also gifted him a small cactus. Rather than thinking of this as a sweet gesture, he was simply annoyed with the extra responsibility of a plant. Even though cacti don’t require that much care, he was also concerned about his cat rubbing up against it and knocking it over.

“It was a mess waiting to happen, which caused anxiety in me. And the only place to put it was in this one window in my tiny apartment where the curtain is always drawn, so it’s not like I ever see the [darn] thing,” he added.

So, after a few months of the gifts being stored away and not being enjoyed by anyone, he decided to throw both of them away.

Nana_studio – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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